Introduction to API Querying for HSS - Part III in the HSS Python Series

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This is a beginner-level 4-part series for humanities and social sciences (HSS) researchers (HSS) and librarians. API Querying & Textual Analysis - Parts III & IV focus on allowing participants to apply basic coding concepts to API querying and text-based analysis. API stands for application programming interface. It acts as a communication interface so different computers/systems can talk to the application hosting the API. Querying APIs in HSS research is useful because data changes rapidly and it is a way to capture a small piece of a much larger set of data. 

This is a continuation of the HSS Python Series. It is highly recommended that you complete the 2-part Python series, Introduction to Python & Coding for HSS - Part I & II in the HSS Python Series, before registering for API Querying and Textual Analysis. 

You do not need any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented.

You need a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc) on which you have administrative privileges, as you will need to pre-load specific software packages.
  • Install Python using Anaconda.
  • To run Python, we are going to use Jupyter Notebooks via JupyterLab.
  • If you installed Anaconda, JupyterLab is installed on your system.

Meet your teaching team

Meghan Landry


Humanities & Social Sciences Specialist
Meghan Landry is the Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) Research Specialist with ACENET, and one of the Alliance HSS National Team Leads. She possesses an MLIS from McGill University and a BA in English Literature from UPEI. She joined ACENET from St. Francis Xavier University where she was the Scholarly Communications Librarian. Meghan specializes in working with sensitive data, digital humanities, and research data management. She is still based at StFX University, but serves all of Atlantic Canada and is active in national and regional humanities & social sciences initiatives.